Tarehe na Muda wa Sasa Friday, 28 Mar 2025 - 21:56 (GMT +3)
Hali ya Hewa ya Sasa Friday, 28 Mar 2025 @ 21:00 AST 24°C (75°F) Humidity: 33% Wind: South East 2.57
The city of Baghdad dates back as one of the first settlements of a thriving civilization and has long hailed as the cultural epicentre of Mesopotamia. Today, Baghdad serves as a portrait of human culture and change, making it one of the most distinctly unique landscapes in the world.
In the affluent district of Karrada, lavish shops and restaurants line the streets – providing guests with a haven for Baghdad stays.
As for Babylon Rotana, it’s only 10 minutes from downtown Karrada and provides guests with everything they need, making it ideally situated for weekend stays or international meetings near Jadriya.
Tovuti hii inatumia vidakuzi ili tuweze kuboresha uzoefu wako wa mtumiaji na kupima utendaji wa tovuti yetu. Ikiwa utaendelea kutumia tovuti hii, utakuwa umekubali matumizi yetu ya vidakuzi.